Sunday, 5 May 2013

Own Topic -British Designs Exhibition

At the V&A went to an exhibition , called British Design , I found it really Fascinating , as there was designs throughout the years , As a student studying Graphic Design , i found this exhibition very beneficial , it shows how times have changed , and also it shows how in graphic design , its like technology keeps changing never stays still and what I found even more interesting was that one day , work that I do and produce may be put in an exhibition like this , i used this exhibition as inspiration for a load of my graphic design projects mainly the logos etc. , and even Isotopes were in this exhibition which is something i want to work in , in the future , 
This exhibition related to a load of art courses , product design , graphic design and loads more , the objects that have been created , its so interesting to see how things change , and is only new for a short time , before something bigger and better takes the place of it .
I love exhibitions like this , with people creative work , which creates inspiration for future pieces of work 

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